本文研究了3个野生大豆保存号和10个栽培大豆品种不同生育期的比叶重和叶绿素含量及其相互关系。花期和鼓粒期的大豆比叶重高于其它生育期,其平均值为55.70和64.75g/m^2。大豆叶片叶绿素含量品种间有明显差异。野生大豆和栽培大豆不同生育期叶绿素含量显著不同。栽培大豆平均为4.48mg/dm^2,野生大豆平均为3.64mg/dm^2。比叶重和叶绿素含量之间一般无相关或相关不显著。大豆生育期是关系到栽培与育种的一个重要生态性状。大豆结英——鼓粒期是产量形成的重要时期,盛花期和鼓粒期上层长成叶的比叶重能够充分表现大豆基因型的特征(苗以农等1985),比叶重与叶绿素含量相关显著(Bttery 等1981)。对大豆不同生育期比叶重和叶片叶绿素含量进一步的研究可能为品种间叶性状的比较提供有用的资料。
This essay is the result of the study of three kinds or res- erved wild soyabean and ten kinds of cultivated soyabean.I deals with leaf dry weight per unit leaf area (SLW) and chlo- rophyll content,and their correlation at different bearing sta- ges.Soyabean SLW at the blossom and seed stages is higher than other stages and the average value at the stages is 55.70 and 64.75g/m^2.There is a remarkable difference of the chlorophyll content of the leaf blade between different species of soyabean Snchdiversity is discernible between wild and cultivated soyab- ean at their different bearing stages.The average of cultivated soyabean is 4.48mg/dm^2 while that of wild one3.64mg/dm^2.There is,in general,no correlation or the correlation is not noticeable between SLW and chlorophyll content. The soyabean bearing stage is of great importance for the ecological character of cultivation and rearing seed.The stage of running to seed is a significant one for the formation of output.SLW of the grown leaves at the upper level at the stage from full blossom to seed indicates the properties of the genotype of soyabean (Miao Yi-nong 1982) and the striking correlation between SLW and chlorophyll content (Bettery 1981). A further study of SLW and chlorophyll content at differ- ent bearing stages of soyabean is likely to provide useful mat- erial for the comparison of leaf character between different species.
Journal of Northeast Normal University(Natural Science Edition)