本研究采用植物性药物括楼根(Trichosanthes kirikowii Maxim)及棉花籽等不育剂,对小白鼠进行控制其生育,以降低其生育能力,试图探讨出不污染环境、毒性小,对人畜无害而防治鼠害效果较高的新途径。经试验结果表明,无论是生殖腺或生殖器官的组织基酸含量、血浆三种主要血浆蛋白的含量,及雄性睾丸组织结构与雌性生育力等方面,均有较显著的变化。
Tae studies has been done tinec 1984.The tested mice are of Poland Stratn.The male weight is 25—30g.while the fema- Ies are 20—25g.The cotton—seed meal and Mongolian snakegour (Trichosanthes tirikowii Maxim) was use as plant sterilizers. The meal wene mixed into the fooder accoding to different ra- tes.The tested mice were divided into test groups and con- trast groups.As a result,our test shows that those plant str- ilizers have a great influence on amino acid motabolism of testis and ovarium tissue and on plasmaprotein.The cotton seed meal has cause the total amino—acid content to descend significantIy,and the snakegourd root meal has effected sign- ificantly on the motabolism of amino ovarium tissus.Espaci- ally in mixed—drug,it has increased contant of plasma albu- min and led to the decrease of content of plasma globumin and the proportion in its plasma protein.The mixed-drug has also effected on female mice estrous cycle irregular,and the embryo death rate was increased significantly,while orchiocabasis of male mice were obviously decreased.
Journal of Northeast Normal University(Natural Science Edition)