目的:探讨MEBO应用于激光美容治疗中创面修复的临床效果。方法:采用双波长脉冲调QND: YAG激光治疗机洗眉、眼线、纹身、面部雀斑等常规方法治疗后,分别用:MEBO,贝复新凝胶,红霉素眼膏涂抹创面,共观察126例248个部位创面愈合情况。结果:用MEBO组创面愈合时间为8.32±2.01天,贝复新组为9.45±1.26天,红霉素眼膏组为14.27±2.31天;MEBO治疗时创面疼痛及色素沉着较其它两组轻。结论:MEBO在激光美容的创面处理中具有创面愈合快、疼痛及色素沉着轻等优点。
Objective: To explore the efficacy of MEBO in repairing wounds after laser aesthetic therapy. Method: After using dual wavelength pulse QND: YAG laser treating machine to wash eyebrow and routine treatment of tattoo and face fleck, the wounds were treated locally with MEBO, Beifuxin Gel or Erythromycin Eye Ointment respectively. 126 patients with wounds in 248 positions were treated. Result: After MEBO treatment, the wounds healed in 8.32 ±2. 01 days. After Beifuxin Gel treatment, the wounds healed in 9. 45 ± 1.26 days and after Erythromycin Eye Ointment treatment, the wounds healed inl4. 27 ±2.31 days. MEBO had the effects of stopping pain and lessening pigmentation after wound heating. Condusinn: MEBO for treating wounds after laser therapy has the advantages of promoting wound healing, relieving pain and lessening pigmentation.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers