
适可而止的基于节点搜索的可变形块运动补偿 被引量:2

Motion compensation using auto-terminate nodal search-based deformable block matching
摘要 基于节点搜索的可变形块搜索是一种新型的运动估计方法,它比传统的基于平移的运动搜索有更高的精度,但该方法运算量比较大。本文在基于节点搜索可变形块运动补偿算法中采用适可而止的措施,对搜索精度足够的非平移块终止当前搜索,直接跳到半像素精度搜索。实验结果表明,只要门限选择得当,就能以预测质量降低很小的代价换来运算速度的大幅提高。 The nodal search-based deformable block matching algorithm(NS-DBMA)is a new method for motion compensation. This method is better in the precision than the conventional methods, but it is too time-consuming. This paper introduces an auto-terminate method into NS-DBMA. For the fine enough deformable-search blocks, all searches except the half-pixel accuracy search will be terminated. Experimental results show that, as the threshold is chosen appropriately, this method can bring a large improvement in speed just at a cost of very slight quality degradation.
出处 《电子测量技术》 2007年第1期27-28,55,共3页 Electronic Measurement Technology
基金 攀枝花市应用技术研究与开发资金(2006CY-G-11)资助项目
关键词 可变形块匹配算法 运动补偿 双模式 节点搜索算法 适可而止 DBMA motion compensation two-mode nodal search algorithm auto-terminate
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  • 1魏伟,侯正信,郭迎春.基于节点搜索的可变形块运动补偿[J].电子学报,2005,33(8):1421-1424. 被引量:5
  • 2Lee, O, Y Wang. Motion compensated prediction using nodal based deformable block matching[J]. Journal of Visual Communications and Image Representation, 1995,6(1):26-34.
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