
全球银行业产权结构的私有化变革趋势分析 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Privatization Reform Trend of the Banking Property Right Structure in the Globe
摘要 在以金融为核心的现代经济中,银行是一种关键的经济金融组织,其产权结构对经济效率有重要影响。自20世纪80年代尤其是90年代以来,无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家,也无论是在转型国家集中的地区,还是在非转型发展中国家集中的各个地区,总体上讲,政府在银行业中的产权份额都经历了不同程度的下降;尽管目前发展中国家的政府产权份额水平仍然高于发达国家,但是差距进一步缩小的趋势明显;产权份额的下降在发展中国家中还具有重要的区域特征。银行业产权结构变革的机制比较复杂,然而,作为现代私有化运动一部分的银行私有化,在全球银行业产权结构的去国有化方面却扮演着主要角色。 In the modem economy in which finance is the core,a bank is a kind of key economic and financial organization,and its property right structure shapes economic performance. C, enemlly speaking,their govermment.property right shams of banking have to different degrees declined ; currently, ahhough the share level in the developing countries is still higher than that in the developed countries, an obvious trend has appeared that the difference between them will furtherly lessen. The share decline in the developing countries is also possessed of significant regional features. Albeit the reform mechanism of banking property right is complex, as a part of the modem privaization campaign, bank privatization has played a major part in the denationalization of banking property right structure in the globe.
作者 刘万明
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 2007年第2期93-101,共9页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
关键词 银行业产权结构 银行私有化 发展中国家 发达国家 转型国家 新制度经济学 banking propexty right structure bank pfivatization developing countries developed countries translonnatlon countries the new institmional economics
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