DDEX把.NET数据提供者与Visual Studio 2005集成起来,使开发人员可在Visual Studio中以通用数据对象的形式(如表,视图,存储过程等)访问各种不同架构数据原的内容,对表中字段与数值进行设计时访问。本文对DDEX的概念及架构进行了讲解,并以实例阐述了如何实现一个DDEX provider。
DDEX integrates.NET data provider with Visual Studio 2005,which makes developers able to access data objects from different data sources as general objects in Visual Studio at design.This paper provides an introduction to DDEX.In addi- tion to providing a conceptual overview,it describes how different architectural components of DDEX work together,and shows how to accomplish common tasks when you implement a DDEX provider.
Microcomputer Applications