Experiment and field tests results obtained by the anthors as well as by other reseachers were cited to discuss the wear resistance and hardness of the bond, the wear characteristics of both the bond and the tool. The results showed that the adding of phosphorus to Fe - based bond has no obvious effect on the hardness of bond, but can decrease the bond wear resistance. The life span of the sawblade with 2% phosphorus added reached to maximum,namely being improved by 58% compared to those without phosphorus added. The addition of phosphorus decrease the flexural strength, but enhance the cutting speed of the sawblade. At last we conclude that: the hardness and wear resistance of the bond have no definite correlation, and moderate wearing of the bond does not mean the short lifespan of diamond tools. Last but not least, it is no need to over - expect the flexural strength, on the precondition that the flexural strength can guarantee the safety of the operation.
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering