
企业规模与企业创新产出关系的实证研究 被引量:6

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Enterprise Scale and Innovation Output
摘要 首先回顾了企业规模和企业产出间关系的相关理论研究成果,指出中小企业的创新能力正得到越来越多的认同,继而从衡量企业创新产出的标准出发,分析了中小企业的创新能力不断受到人们重视的原因。此后,以抽样调查数据为基础,深入揭示了我国企业规模同其创新产出总量间的正向关系,并用科学的测度方法证实了中小企业在创新效率及部分行业创新产出方面具有优势。 Firstly,this paper presented the evolution of theories dealing with the relationship between enterprise scale and innovation output,indicating that the role Small and Medium-sizes Enterprises(SMEs) played in innovation is increasingly getting acknowledged. Secondly,the theoretical progress above is interpreted from been measured. Moreover, based on the surveyed data, this paper analyzed a dynamic perspective of how innovation output has thd relationship between enterprise scale and innovation output in China, revealing a positive correlation. Meanwhile, the adoption of more accurate indicators to evaluate innovation output surfaces SMEs'advantage in innovation efficiency as well as the aggregate contribution in particular industries.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期21-26,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 企业规模 创新产出 中小企业 enterprise scale innovation output SMES
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