
难熔金属及其合金单晶的发展 被引量:30

Progress on Single Crystals of Refractory Metals of Their Alloys
摘要 主要介绍了难熔金属W,Mo,Ta,Nb及其合金单晶的制备技术,单晶的发展现状,并对单晶制备技术和单晶材料的发展方向提出了一些合理化建议。 The preparation technology and development on the single crystals of refractory metals of their alloys were introduced in this paper. Some suggestions have been given on the R&D prospects of processing technology for the single crystals of refractory alloys to enhance the high temperature creep resistance.
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期367-371,共5页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
关键词 难熔金属 单晶 固溶强化 单晶管材 高温蠕变速率 refractory alloys single crystals solid-solution strengthening single crystal tube high temperature creep rate
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