目的:探讨将所获IL-1β反义RNA真核表达载体导入H epG 2细胞后,肝癌细胞对NK细胞杀伤敏感性的变化。方法:转染后用RT-PCR法检测反义基因片段的表达,M TT比色法分析NK-92细胞杀伤活性的变化。结果:转染后反义RNA均得到高水平表达,并使NK细胞的杀伤活性提高约15%。结论:IL-1β反义RNA可在一定程度上恢复肝癌细胞对NK细胞的杀伤敏感性。
Objective:To study the variation of NK cells mediated cytotoxicity against transfected HepG2 hepatoma cells by IL- 1β antisense RNA eukaryocyte expression vectors. Methods:After the transfection, RT-PCR was performed to detect the expresstion of the two antisense gene segments, and MTT colormetric assay was executed to analyze NK cells mediated cytolysis activity against HepG2 cells. Results:After the transfection, antisense RNA had been successfully expressed respectively, and NK cells activity bad been improved about 15%. Conclusion:To some extent IL-1β antisense RNA can revertothe sensitivity of HepG2 cells to NK cells mediated cytotoxicity.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics