文中充分发挥互连网和无线接入的优势,引入蓝牙作为语音无线传输,成功架构和实现了基于蓝牙技术的语音接入系统。该系统能够使得用户在离计算机10米的范围内轻松实现网络语音聊天、接收实时消息、收听音乐等。基于CSR(Cambridge Silicon Radio)公司的Bluecore2-Audio蓝牙芯片和BlueLab平台设计和实现了手持终端,在对手持终端硬件组成进行分析的基础上,详细介绍了手持终端和PC端驱动软件的实现方法。
The Bluetooth technology is introduced for wireless audio transmission. A wireless audio access system is designed and realized successfully, which makes it possible for users to voice chat or receive instant messages etc. within the range of 10m from computer. Based on CSR's Bluecore2 - Audio chip and Bluelab platform, this paper designs and implements a hand - set with emphasis on the method for developing the hand -set and PC's software.
Electronic Science and Technology