
化学表面修饰微球形二硫化钼在液体石蜡中的摩擦磨损性能研究 被引量:7

A Study on Friction and Wear Properties of Surface-modified MoS_2 Micro-spheres in Liquid Paraffin
摘要 将萃取-溶剂热法制备的二硫化钼微球(MS-MoS2)和商业级胶体二硫化钼(CC-MoS2)添加到液体石蜡(LP)中,采用四球摩擦磨损试验机和SRV微动摩擦磨损试验机对润滑体系的极压性能和抗磨减摩性能进行对比研究,利用扫描电子显微镜和X射线光电子能谱仪对磨斑表面形貌进行观察分析.结果表明:萃取剂Cyanex 301对MoS2具有良好的表面修饰作用;添加MoS2能够有效改善基础油的极压性能和抗磨减摩性能;当MoS2质量分数为0.5%时,Cyanex301修饰MoS2+LP的摩擦系数和磨损体积损失比CC-MoS2+LP分别降低了15.4%和81.7%;其磨损机理可归因于边界润滑条件下的化学吸附膜、化学反应膜、化学沉积膜以及滚动摩擦. Extreme-pressure (EP) properties and anti-wear (AW) and friction-reducing properties of extractionsolvothermally prepared mono-dispersed micro-spherical MoS2 (MS-MoS2) modified by extractant Cyanex 301 as an additive in liquid paraffin (LP) were studied and compared with those of the commercial colloidal MoS2 ( CC-MoS2 ) on a four-ball tester and an Optimol SRV oscillating friction and wear tester. The worn surfaces were examined with SEM and XPS, respectively. MoS2 micro-spheres was well modified by extractant and exhibited much better performance as EP additive and AW and friction-reducing additive in LP than CC-MoS2 did. Compared with 0.5% CC- MoS2 + LP, the friction coefficient and wear volume loss of 0.5% Cyanex 301-MOS2 + LP decreased about 15.4% and 81.7% respectively. The lubrication mechanism could be attributed to the chemical adsorption, reaction, deposition of film and the existence of the rolling friction under the boundary lubricating condition.
出处 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期35-40,共6页 Tribology
基金 教育部博士点专项科研基金资助项目(20050426003) 兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(0402)
关键词 溶剂热 CYANEX 301 二硫化钼微球 润滑油添加剂 摩擦磨损性能 extraction-solvothermal, Cyanex 301, MoS2 micro-spheres, oil additive, tribological properties
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