目的:研究杜克健康问卷(Duke Health Profile,THE DUKE)对心理咨询门诊病人初步应用的信度和效度。方法:以上海精神卫生中心心理咨询门诊的病人为研究对象,由专业护士指导自评。信度评定用C ronbachα值表示量表的内部一致性,复测信度评定间隔两周;用自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)作为效标测验平行效度。结果:THE DUKE总体α值0.66;躯体、心理、社会、焦虑和抑郁各分量表的α值分别为0.61、0.52、0.25、0.51和0.60;THE DUKE的躯体、心理、社会、焦虑和抑郁与健康自测问卷中生理、心理、社会及SAS、SDS的相关系数分别是0.332、0.548、0.277、-0.395、-0.562(P<0.01)。结论:THE DUKE对心理咨询门诊病人有良好的信度和效度,简单实用有进一步研究和推广的价值。
Objective:To investigate the reliability and validity of Duke Health Profile (THE DUKE) in outpatient service of psychology. Methods:217 cases were involved in this study, the coefficient of inter - item consistency (Cronbachct) of THE DUKE and its subscales, test - retest reliability were assessed, and the criterion - related validity of THE DUKE was assessed with self - report health measure scale, self - report anxiety scale and self - report depression scale respectively too. Results: The Cronbachctof THE DUKE is 0.66, and of the subscales of physical, mental, social, anxiety and depression are 0. 61,0. 52,0. 25,0. 51and0. 60 respectively. The criterion - related validity is 0.332, 0.548, 0. 277, - 0. 395and - 0. 562 respectively. Conclusions: The reliability and validity of Duke Health Profile is well, and, to be a self- report scale for health screening, it is simple and worthy of being used widely.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health