
中国民营经济发展与区域制度变迁——以江、浙两省为例 被引量:11

The Private Sector and China's Institutional Transition:Case Studies in Zhejiang and Jiangsu
摘要 发端于苏南和浙东南的民营经济(非国有经济)已经成为中国市场经济的主体。民营经济在民营化和市场化的过程中推动了中国区域制度变迁和产业群落的成长,推动了我国的工业化和城市化。无论是在“苏南模式”与“温州模式”的初中期发展阶段,还是在“专业市场与产业协作”的快速发展阶段,是在“企业对市场的正替代”的提高发展阶段,还是在今天中国“民营化机制普遍推开”的全面创新发展阶段,都处处体现了这一积极的动态发展特征。民营经济发展与中国区域制度变迁就是在这样的不断创新中向前演进的。 Emerging and booming in the rural parts of South Jiangsu and Southeast Zhejiang, private economy has been the main driving force for China's market development. Private sector pushes forward China's institutional transition and stimulates the growth of industrial clusters on the regional level. It facilitates the process of industrialization and urbanization. The growth and development of private economy has always been based on an innovation of integrating industrial and corporation structures, product composition, and market structures in order to see them well matched with each other. This paper explores the development of the private economy and how it stimulates China's institutional transition with its mechanism of privatization, from a perspective of historical evolution over more than two decades. The author interprets the development of private economy into four stages in accordance with its historical evolution. The first stage is the description of the initial development phase of private economy over 1978-1992: "Wenzhou Model" and "South Jiangsu Model", with pure private ownerships for private sector development in the form of family firms in the villages, as well as with (non-state owned) township and village enterprises (TVEs). The second stage is the description of the rapid development stage over 1993-1997. specific markets and industrial division/collaborations. The third stage is the promotional stage of private sector development over 1998-2003: positive replacement of enterprises. During this period, non-public economic development has stepped into a new charming season of development in the whole nation. Some private enterprises are growing into larger sized ones. They are relatively strong in market competition. This finally leads to the improvement of the structure and industrial organization for the private sector. The fourth stage is the comprehensive innovation phase from 2003 up to now: the universal extension and implementation of privatization mechanism. In general, facing the economic integration in the globalization era, private enterprises themselves are continuously seeking to increase techniques and management innovations, to build entrepreneurship and business culture, to improve management efficiency and elevate their core competitiveness in the domestic market as well as the international market.
作者 王志凯
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第2期99-109,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 民营经济 制度变迁 产业集群 演进 privatization institutional transition industrial clusters evolution
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