
基于包对推测丢包率的简化算法 被引量:1

A Simplified Algorithm of Network Loss Ratio Base on Packet Pair
摘要 在进行网络测量时,有时只能获得端到端的数据,然而得到网络内部的信息对网络性能的认识是非常重要的,因此就需要从网络端到端测量得到的数据推测网络内部链路的数据。本算法是基于单播网络的端到端测量的,利用包对进行统计,运用最大似然估计和EM算法进行计算,从而推算网络内部节点的丢包率。我们在文中给出了算法的逻辑分析和仿真结果。 When we measure the network, we sometimes just can obtain the end-to-end measurement data. But it is essential to have link-level performance data for understanding the features of a network. Network tomography is based on end-to-end measurement to reason the network internal information. The arithmetic describe in this paper is base on unieast loss rate network tomography end-to-nd measurement, using packet pairs and EM algorithm for computing the MLE. We conduct a theoretical analysis of the algorithm and report the results of simulations.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2007年第3期241-243,共3页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 包对 网络断层成像 EM算法 Packet Pairs, Network Tomography, EM Algorithm
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