

The Risk and Its Guard to Strategic Alliance of Banking
摘要 战略联盟使银行之间的竞争关系由对抗性的竞争转向非对抗性的竞争,它给银行业带来了资源互补、竞争优势和较大的利润空间,但也存在一个不容忽视的问题,即联盟的失败率一直居高不下,其主要原因是因为战略联盟存在诸多风险。文章首先从关系风险和经营风险的角度对战略联盟的风险进行了系统的分析,然后提出银行业战略联盟在组建和实施过程中对风险加以防范的一系列措施。 The strategic alliance causes between the competition relations of the banking to change the non- antagonism competition by the antagonism competition, it has brought the resources to the banking supplementary, the competitive advantage and the bigger profit space,but also has a not allow to neglect problem, namely the alliance defeat rate continuously stays at a high level, its main reason is because the strategic alliance has many risks.This article first has carried on the system analysis from the relational risk and the management risk angle to the risk of strategic alliance, then proposed the banking strategic alliance insets up with the implementation process in a series of measures which performs to the risk to guard against.
作者 曾海燕
出处 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期56-58,共3页 Journal of Shaoyang University:Social Science Edition
关键词 银行业 战略联盟 风险 防范 banking strategic alliance risk guard
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