
光学免疫传感器的表面等离子体共振研究 被引量:3

A Study on the Optical Immunosensors Using a Surface Plasmon Resonance
摘要 论述了用于检测甲肝的表面等离子体共振免疫传感器的检测原理及方法.使用瞬息波技术的光学免疫传感器具有满足选择市场的要求,可以提供常规检测甲肝技术所不具备的一些优点、.检测迅速、系统易于实现自动操作.这种免疫传感器是基于检测血清中回旋体膜的抗体,使用了有关的抗原.它与有机体中有关的IgG抗体发生反应,而此IgG抗体存在于肝炎病人的血清中.用夹层表面等离子体振子共振方法,可以得到重复的结果.在键结合发生作用时,实时测量出血清培育后的回旋体抗体和夹层抗体间的键结合.在6个任意编码的血清中,用表面等离子体共振方法测量的结果和用传统的甲肝试验方法测量的结果相当一致.因此,这种光学免疫传感器用于门诊是很有前途的. in this paper, the development of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) immunosensor for hepatitis type A screening is deecribed. Optical immunosensors employing evanescent wavethchniques have meeting the nsarket needs. Immunosensors arc interesting for clinical applicationsbecause they offer a number of potential advantages over conventional assay techniques: the detection is quick and the system can easily be automated. This immunosensor is based on the detection ofantibodies in serum against the causative orgnnisnl treponema Pallidum. Causative antigen can reactwith causative amtindes, present in serum of hepatits patients. Reproducible resuts were obtainedusing a sandwich SPR method. Binding of a sandwich antilxXly to the treponeemal antibody afterserum incubation was measured in real time while tile binding was taking place. The SPR results oaftamed from six blindcthed 'sera corresponded well with claSSical hepatitis tests. Using sorface plasmon resonance method, optical imnlunosonsors are intersting for clinical aPPlications.
作者 鄂茂怀
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 1996年第4期314-317,共4页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 表面等离子体 共振 免疫传感器 抗体 抗原 surface plasmon resonance, immunosensors, antibody, antigen
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