
肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎的临床病理 被引量:7

The clinical pathobiology feature of granulomatous lobular mastitis
摘要 目的探讨肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎的临床病理特点。方法对20例肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎临床资料和病理学特征进行回顾性分析。结果患者均为经产妇,平均年龄32.5岁,单侧乳腺肿块,8例临床怀疑乳腺癌,组织学表现均以乳腺小叶为中心的肉芽肿性炎,8例可见多核巨细胞,13例形成微脓肿,所有病例均未发现病原微生物。结论肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎术前诊断困难,确诊依赖病理诊断,治疗以手术切除为主。 Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological features of granulomatous lobular mastitis (GLM). Methods: Clinical data and pathological characteristics of GLM were analyzed retrospectively in 20 cases. Results: All the cases occurred at the multiparous women with average age 32.5, and with unilateral mass, a clinical suspicion of breast carcinoma was present in 8 cases. The histopathologic features of granulomatous inflammation, centered on mammary lobules,presented in all cases, finding multinucleated giant cell in 8 cases; 13 cases form microabsces; causative organism hasn't been found in all cases. Conclusion: It is difficult to diagnose GLM before operation, confinning granulomatous lobular mastitis mainly depend on pathologic diagnosis, the main treatment for GLM is complete resection.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2007年第3期334-335,共2页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎 临床病理 granulomatous lobular mastitis clinical and pathobiological featare
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