
实验检验累积前景理论 被引量:58

An experimental test on cumulative prospect theory
摘要 累积前景理论是前景理论的改进版本.前者使用CE范式对美国被试进行研究,得出如下几点结论:(1)人们的风险态度呈四分模式;(2)概率中大时,得时的风险回避比失时的风险寻求更明显;(3)价值函数的指数、权重函数的指数都小于1.采用相同的范式对中国被试进行考察,发现:(1)仍适用;(3)并不总是适用;(2)总是并不适用. Cumulative Prospect Theory is a revised version of Prospect Theory. The former adopted CE research norm to study American subjects and got such conclusions: (i) People's risk attitudes have four-fold pattern; (ii) Risk aversion for gain is more pronounced than risk seeking for loss when the probabilities are moderate or high; (iii) The indexes of value function and weight function are less than I. This research adopted the same research norm to investigate Chinese subjects and found: (i) can be applied to Chinese subjects; (iii) cannot always be applied to Chinese subjects; (ii) can never applied to Chinese subjects.
作者 曾建敏
出处 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期44-47,65,共5页 Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
基金 教育部重大项目(编号:2000ZDXM720.40002)
关键词 累积前景理论 风险态度 风险寻求 风险回避 价值函数 权重函数 Cumulative Prospect Theory risk attitude risk seeking risk aversion value function weight function
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