以广东医学院污水处理间设计项目作为研究对象,以可持续建筑的表现作为讨论主题,探讨了运用具体的建筑实体表现抽象的建筑意义的一种方法。确切地说,该建筑设计过程是在实体,能指与所指的交互作用约束下进行的。实体,能指与所指组成了建筑设计过程的符号三角(Sem iotic T riang le)关系。一方面,设计者运用建筑实体建立叙述场景,另一方面,又通过文脉响应和主题表达等手段强化建筑“符号”的形式(“能指”)。最终,借助具体的建筑技术手段使设计转换到建筑“符号”的意义(“所指”)。这种设计方法是建筑设计过程和符号美学研究成果的一种结合。从而,论文传递出以实体,能指与所指三者的交互作用切入设计的思想方法,赋予可持续主题建筑的设计以新的可能性。
Choosing the sewage-treating building in Gnangdong Medical College as the research sample and the expressing of sustainable function building as the discussing topic, the possibility of using the tangible architectural language to express the intangible architectural meaning was analyzed, that is, the process of architectural design was restricted by the interaction of symbol, reference and referent. And the referent factor, the symbol factor and the reference factor make up the symbolizing Semiotic Triangle in the architectural designing process. On one hand, the designer can create the descriptive scene by using the architectural entities (referent). On the other hand, the designer can emphasize the meaning of referent with the methods as contextual response and aesthetic impact or so on. Ultimately, the process of experiencing the building is converted to the theme of architectural symbols (reference). This method is a way to combine the designing process with the aesthetics of symbol. Consequently, the designing thoughtway was conveyed with the interaction of architectural referent, symbol and reference, endow the new way of thinking for the designing of sustainable function building.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
symbol i reference sustainable development