

Investigation on the Radical Scavenging Effect of Coordination Complex of Quercetin with Vanadium
摘要 对合成的槲皮素氧钒配合物,利用TBA法测定Fenton反应产生的·OH及Beaucharp法测定光照核黄素体系产生的O2-的检测方法,对其抗氧化性进行了研究并与配体槲皮素进行了比较。结果表明:对由2-脱氧-D-核糖体系产生的·OH,在实验质量浓度范围(<100ug/ml)内,该配合物及其配体的最大清除率分别为37.1%和89.0%;对由光照核黄素体系产生的O2-·,最大清除率分别为51.2%和84.0%。表明槲皮素在与VO2+配合后,其抗氧化性和稳定性有明显改变。 The detection condition of hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical generated by different systems were researched and then the radical scavenging effects of Quercetin and of Quercefin with Vanadium were investigated with spectrophotometrie method in different systems. The result showed that both Quercetin and its coordination complex w/th Vanadium had strong scavenging effects on both hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical generated by different systems. In the deoxyribose system,in the test concentration range(〈100 ug/ml),the maximum scavenging rate of Quercetin and its coordination complex with Vanadium to superoxide radical were 89.0% and 37.1% respectively.In the flavins system the maximum scavenging rate of Quercetin and its coordination complex with Vanadium to hydroxyl radical were 84.0% and 51.2% respectively .It is showed that the steady state of Quercetin is improved by complexation with Vanadium.
出处 《福建教育学院学报》 2007年第1期116-118,共3页 Journal of Fujian Institute of Education
关键词 槲皮素 氧钒配合物 活性氧自由基 Quercetin Vanadium. oxidant radical system spectrophotomeric method
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