
Hand Motion Tracking Using Simulated Annealing Method in a Discrete Space

Hand Motion Tracking Using Simulated Annealing Method in a Discrete Space
摘要 Hand tracking is a challenging problem due to the complexity of searching in a 20 + degrees of freedom (DOF) space for an optimal estimation of hand configuration. The feasible hand configurations are represented as a discrete space, which avoids learning to find parameters as general configuration space representations do. Then, an extended simulated annealing method with particle filtering to search for optimal hand configuration in the proposed discrete space, in which simplex search running in multi-processor is designed to predict the hand motion instead of initializing the simulated annealing randomly, and particle filtering is employed to represent the state of the tracker at each layer for searching in high dimensional configuration space. Experimental results show that the proposed method makes the hand tracking more efficient and robust. Hand tracking is a challenging problem due to the complexity of searching in a 20 + degrees of freedom (DOF) space for an optimal estimation of hand configuration. The feasible hand configurations are represented as a discrete space, which avoids learning to find parameters as general configuration space representations do. Then, an extended simulated annealing method with particle filtering to search for optimal hand configuration in the proposed discrete space, in which simplex search running in multi-processor is designed to predict the hand motion instead of initializing the simulated annealing randomly, and particle filtering is employed to represent the state of the tracker at each layer for searching in high dimensional configuration space. Experimental results show that the proposed method makes the hand tracking more efficient and robust.
出处 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2007年第1期61-66,共6页 北京理工大学学报(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60473049)
关键词 hand tracking human-computer interface simulated annealing articulated object tracking hand tracking human-computer interface simulated annealing articulated object tracking
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