
基于概念相容性的概念树自动生成算法 被引量:1

Algorithms of dynamic generation of concept hierarchies on basis of conceptual compatibility
摘要 在面向属性归纳(AOG)的数据挖掘中,属性归约及概念归纳都离不开概念层次。而概念层次一般都是先验的,当出现概念层次中没有的新的概念时,无法进行归纳。以属性论为基础的概念相容测度,将概念层次单纯的文字表示转换为其定性基准的表示,给出了名称型属性的概念层次树的动态生成算法。当有新的属性值出现时,可以不用重新生成概念树,只需调用该算法,将新的属性值插入已有概念层次树即可。从而可以让概念归纳与修改概念层次同时进行,使AOG具有了动态归纳的特性。 In data mining with Attribute-Oriented Generalization (AOG),attribute reduction and concept generalization can not part from concept hierarchy.Concept hierarchy is commonly transcendent,the generalization can not perform for new concept, which do not presence in concept hierarchy.The measure of concept compatibility based on attribute theory,expresses single words in concept hierarchy with its qualitative criteria.The algorithms of dynamic generation of concept hierarchies for text attribute is given.The new value of attribute can be inserted direct into concept hierarchies without regenerating concept hierarchies when appearing the new attribute values.So that we cold make concept generalization and modifying concept hierarchy in synchronization,and this method makes that AOG algorithms gets the specialty of dynamic reduction.
作者 宣士斌
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期174-177,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60461001) 。
关键词 面向属性归纳 概念层次树 概念相容测度 attribute-oriented generalization concept hierarchy tree the measure of concept compatibility
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