鞘寄蝇属Thecocarcelia全世界已记载7种,本文报道我国6种,其中2个新种。新种为:毛斑鞘寄蝇Thecocarcelia hirtmacula,多径鬃鞘寄蝇Th. setula。本文还编有种检索表。
The present paper deals with 6 species of genus Thecocarcelia Townsend from China. Among them 2 are described as new to science. In the Chinese text a key to 6 Chinese species are provided also. All types of the new species are preserved in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing.1. Thecocarcelia hirtmacula sp. nov.This species is closely related to Th. seiula sp. nov., but distinguished from the latter by ocellar setae situated in a same line with the preoce'llus; reclinate orbital setae 3 pairs; interfron-tal area wider; R4+5 with only one setula on the node; abdomenal T4 with hair-fascicle on each ventral side (fig. 5e), cerci and surstyli in subequal length (fig. 5c); 5th tarsomere of frontal leg in male not enlarged (fig. 5f).Body length 5-6mm.Holotype ♂, Hainan Island (Tong shi), 1982. Ⅵ.15, by Liang Zhao-ke; Allotype ♀, Hainan Island (Tong shi), 1982. Ⅳ. 6, by Liang Zhao-ke.2. Thecocarcelia seiula sp. nov.This species is closely related to Th. hinmacula sp. nov., but differs from the latter by ocellar bristles situated behind the fore ocellus; reclinate orbital setae 2 pairs, interfrontal area narrower; R4+5 with 3 setulae on node (fig. 6b); 5th tarsomere of frontal leg in male obviously enlarged (fig. 6c).Boby length 6 mm.Holotype ♀, Hainan Island, 1989, by Dai Neng-hui; paratype 1♀, Hainan Island, Ⅷ. 8. 1982. by Lu Chuan-de.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Dipteta Tachinidae Thecocarcelia new species