玉树羽叶恙螨,新种Trombiculindus(Plumosicola)yushuensis sp. nov.,采自青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县红耳鼠兔Ochotona erythrotis Buchner的耳壳内。正模♀及尉模♀♀保存在青海省地方病防冶研究所。
Trombiculindus (Plumosicola) yushuensis sp. nov. (figs. 1-6) Body orange, engovg. larvae 550(400-700) × 348.5(250-440) μm. Gnathosoma: Galeal seta branched. Palpal seta formula N. N. BNB/7B. Palpal claw 3-pronged. Scutum rectangular in shape, PL slender, narrower leaf-like. PL>AM>AL. Sensilla branched, Sn somewhat behind PLs. Standard measurements: AW 88.2, PW 100, SB 36.2, ASB 35.8, PSB J9.5, AP 29.5, SD 55, AM 54.1, AL 48.5, PL 57.1 × 7.5, Sn 83.1. Dorsal setae 87(66), arranged as 2.18(14). 12(10). 17(14). 16(10). 10(10). 6(0). 4.2. Sternal setae 2.4-2.7. Ventral setae 54-59 in number.Holotype and 13 paratypes collected off Ochotona erythotia Buchner Pallas, 6. Ⅰ. 1986, Yushu County (33°06'N. 96°45'E), Qinghai Province. The type specimens are all deposited in the Research Institute of Endemic Disease Control, Qinghai Province.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica