
草蛉科纳草蛉属研究(Ⅱ)——六新种记述(脉翅目:草蛉科) 被引量:4

摘要 本文是纳草蛉属Navasius研究续报(研究Ⅰ见“动物分类学报”第15卷第3期)。报道了纳草蛉属6新种:跃纳草蛉N.igneus sp.nov.,冠纳草蛉N.lophophorus sp.nov.,黑角纳草蛉N.nigricornutus sp.nov.显沟纳草蛉N.phantosulcus sp.nov.康纳草蛉N.sanus sp.nov.及三齿纳草蛉N.tridentatus sp.nov.。 This is the second report of the studying on the genus Navasius. Seven species are including, 6 are described as new to science, 1 is translated from Mallada to the genus. The type specimens are kept in The Insect Collection of Beijing Agricultural University.1. Navasius igneus sp. nov. (fig. 1)♀ Length of body 6.7mm, of forewing 10.5mm, hindwing 9.7mm.Head brown, immaculate. Antennae yellowish brown, with the first and second segments yellow. Thorax with yellow longitudinal band on the dorsum. Wings with most of crossveins and gradate veins dark. Abdomen with the dorsal and ventral surface yellowish brown. The subgenitale and spermatheca are shown in fig. l(C-E).It is similar to Chrysopa physophlebia Navas, but the wing veins not swollen at base.Holotype ♀, Anfeng, Hainan Province (19.2°N, 107.9°E), 26-Ⅱ-1982.2. Navasius lophophorus sp. nov. (fig. 2)♂ Length of body 9mm, of forewing 10.5mm, hindwing 9.3mm, antennae 11.3mm.Head yellow with red spot on the gena. Antennae yellowish brown. Thorax with yellow longitudinal band on the dorsum, the margins with yellowish brown. Wings with crossveins black or black at ends. The gradate veins of hindwing green. Apex of abdomen and the male genitalia are shown in fig. 2(B-F).It is allied to N. congnaiellus (Okamoto), but differs from it in the markings of thehead and thorax, the color of the wing veins.Holotype ♂, Mt. Meishan (18.2N, 109.5E), Yaxian Co., Hainan Provi. 31-Ⅹ-1981. 3. Navasius nigricornutus sp. nov. (fig. 3)♀ Length of body 8.7mm, of forewing 13.1mm, hindwing 11.5mm.Head yellowish green, immaculate. Antennae daikbrown, the first segment yellowish brown with a brown stripe on the outer side. Thorax with yellow longitudinal band on the dcrsum, the margins green. Wings with the basal crossveins black, the inner gradate veins from Psm with 1-3 black, the others green, the outers black. In hindwing, the gradate veins green. Apex of abdomen and subgenitale are shown in fig. 3(B-C).It is similar to Mallada nepalicus (Holzel), but differs from it in the color of the veins.Holotype ♀, Tianchi, Jianfengling (18.7N, 108.8E), Hainan Prov. 29-Ⅶ-1984.4. Navasius phantosulus sp. nov. (fig. 4)♀ Length of body 8.8 mm, of forewing 12 mm, hindwing 9.6 mm, antennae 11.6 mm.Head yellowish brown, with dark brown spots on each gena and each side of clypeus. Antennae yellowish brown, the first segment with deep red stripe on the outer side. Fronto-clypeal sulcus, frontogenal sulcus and ocular sulcus are very distinct. A pair of brown spots on the base of prothorax. Wings with the humeral plate and some basal crossveins black. The crossveins in Costal region of forewings brown at ends. Gradate veins in fore- and hind-wings green. Abdomen yellow with the dorsum, orange with the ventral surface, and dark brown with the Ⅸ ectoproct. The subgenitale and spermatheca are shown in fig. 4 (C-E).It is similar to N. albofromatus (Yang et Yang), but can be distinguished by the color of the fron and the spots of the abdomen.Holotype ♀, Nanning (22.8N, 108.3E), Guangxi Zhuang Aut. region, 16-Ⅴ-1982.5. Navasius sanus sp. nov. (fig. 5)♀ Length of body 7.3mm, of forewing 12mm, hindwing 11.3mm, antennae 14.6mm.Head yellow, immaculate. Antennae yellowish brown, and with the first segment yellow. Thorax with yellow longitudinal stripe on the dorsum, the margins yellowish brown. Wings with longitudinal veins and most of the crossveins green. Apex of abdomen, the subgenitale and spermatheca are shown in fig. 5 (B-E).It is very similar to Indonesian Chrysopa ochracen Albar, but the gradate veins is green.Holotype ♀, Shipai, Guangzhou (23.1N, L13.2E), 1958.6. Navasius tridentatus sp. nov. (fig. 6)Length of body ♂, 8.3mm, ♀, 9.3mm; of forewing: ♂, 10.7mm, ♀ 12mm; hindwing: ♂, 9.9mm, ♀, 11.5mm.Head yellow, immaculate, the color of antennae from yellow at base to yellowish brown at apex. Thorax with yellow longitudinal stripe on the dorsum, and yellowish brown at the margins. Wings with most veins green. The gradate veins of forewings with inners green, the outers from Psm with 1-3 black, other
机构地区 北京农业大学
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1990年第4期471-479,共9页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 脉翅目 草蛉科 纳草蛉属 新种 Chrysopidae Navasius new species
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