
活宝塔、江湖大夫与戏剧中国——法国宫廷与民间演出中的中国形象,1667-1723 被引量:3

Living Pagodas,Chinese Doctors and Chinese Drama:Chinese Images on the French Drama Stage (1667-1723)
摘要 17世纪下半叶到18世纪初,法国宫廷与民间出现了一系列与中国相关的演出活动。活宝塔、中国大夫等滑稽而奇异的形象开始活跃在法国戏剧舞台之上。由于戏剧与当时社会各阶层的生活都存在着异常紧密的联系,研究早期中国舞台形象在法国社会产生、发展、传播与接受的过程,有助于重现18世纪法国民众对于中国形象之集体想像的建构过程,了解法国人对于中国的认知发展脉络。 From the end of the 17^th century to the beginning of the 18^th century, some Chinese images appeared in the social life of France. Living pagodas, Chinese doctors and other exotic Chinese figures became active on the French drama stage. At that time, drama was played in the nobles' salons as well as on the stages of humble grass-root theatres. Therefore, it will be helpful to study the production, evolution, diffusion, and acceptance of those early Chinese figures on the French stage in order to discover the source of the collective imagination about China in France, and hence to understand how the French people began to create their own knowledge about this oriental country.
作者 罗湉
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期37-44,共8页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 活宝塔 中国大夫 法国戏剧 17、18世纪 living pagodas, Chinese Doctors, French drama, 17^th and 18^th centuries
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