Objective To investigate the relationship between the sensitivity of cardiac markers and the symptom duration. Methods We divided all adult patients who presented to our Emergency Dcpartment(ED) with symptoms suggesting of acute myocardial irfarction(AMI ) into two groups. Patients in one group came to the ED late( 6-24h) after their symptom' s onset,and the other patients in another group arrived earlicr( 〈6h). We drew serum sarnplc for creatine phosphokinase (CK) ,CK-MB, and troponin T upon arrival( time 0)and 2h later. Compared the sensitivity of three commonly used cardiac markers between two groups. Results For time 0, the sensitivity of all three markers for acute MI was signifieandy higher among those subjects with symptoms of 6 or more hours' duration as compared to those with less. At the time of the 2-h sample, the differences in sensitivities were much less and were not statistically significant. Conclusion The cardiac marker values obtained at time 0 among Emergency Deparunent patients who arrive 6 or more hours after cardiac symptom onset provide signifieandy higher sensitivities as compared to those obtained in patients who arrive earlier. For troponin T, the increase in sensitivity approaches threefold.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine