
危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系探讨 被引量:17

Study of the risk management framework for hazardous materials during road-transportation
摘要 危险品道路运输是一个复杂的系统,风险管理涉及危险品运输规划和事故应急响应。本文介绍了现有的危险品运输风险管理模式和基本管理原则,基于运输风险评估、运输路径优化、应急单位优化选址和选线、人员疏散管理以及事件决策管理等构建了危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系,阐述了系统基本要素之间的相互关系。危险品道路运输过程风险管理是一个持续改进的结构化过程风险管理体系,有助于减少危险品运输事故概率和降低运输沿线影响人员风险,为政府监管部门和危险品生产经营单位的运输安全管理、优化选线以及应急救援等工作提供技术依据,合理规划危险品运输系统。 Hazardous materials(hazmat) transportation by road is a highly heterogeneous and complex system, for which risk management involves hazmat transportation plan and accidents emergency response. In this paper, the existing risk management approaches and fimdamental principles are introduced, and the over process risk management framework is built, which includes hazmat transportation risk assessment, optimal routing, emergency response units location and routing problems, population evacuation management and incidents decision-making management. The whole risk management system helps to reduce hazmat transport accidents probabilities and the risk imposed on population exposure along the route, and supports the safety management, routing and emergency response for hazmat carriers and supervisory departments, optimizing transportation plan.
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS 2007年第1期16-20,共5页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
基金 科研院所社会公益研究项目(编号:2004DID2J061)资助
关键词 危险品运输 风险评价 风险管理 优化选线 应急响应 疏散 hazardous materialstransport risk assessment risk management optimal routing emergency response evacuation
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