The present paper deals with eleven new species of the subfamily Tachyd-rominae from Yunnan Province. The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.
1. Plat y pal pus yunnanensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig. 1) Head blackish brown. Antennae yellowish, arista brownish. Thorax yellowish. Scutellum brownish yellow,postnotum yellow with middle portion brownish yellow. Legs yellow with last tarsal segments brownish yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to P. narangi (Smith).
Holotype (?), Yunnan. Ruili Co., 750m, 1981-V-3, Yang Chikun.
2. Drapetis (Drapetis) trimaculata Yang el Yang, sp. nov.
Head blackish brown. Antennae yellow, third segment and arista broken. Thorax yellow with three black markings. Scutellum blackish, postnotum blackish also. Hypopleuron and metapleuron black. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Holotype g, Yunnan. Ruili Co., 750m, 1981-V-3, Yang Chikun. Paratype 1 (?), Yunnan. Shuangjiang Co., 1981-Ⅳ21, Yang Chikun.
3. Drapetis (Drapetis) abnormalis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.2) Head blackish brown. Antennae yellow, but third segment dark yellow
and arista dark brownish yellow. Thorax yellow. Scutellum and postnotum yellow. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to D. (D.) obtusa sp. nov.
Holotype (?) allotype (?), paratypes 5(?), Yunnan. Yuanjiang Co., 380 m, 1981-Ⅳ-5, Yang Chikun. Paratype 1(?), Yunnan. Xinping Co., 1480 m, 1981-Ⅳ-3, Yang Chikun.
4. Drapetis (Drapetis) obtusa Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig. 3) Head blackish brown. Antennae yellow, but third segment dark yellow
and arista brownish yellow. Thorax yellow. Legs yellow. Wings clear. Similar to D. (D.) abnormalis sp. nov., but scutellum brownish yellow and poslnolum brown. Male genitalia also different as shown in fig. 3.
Holotype a(?), Yunnan. Jinghong Co., 545 m, 1981-Ⅳ- 9, Yang Chi-kun.
5. Drapetis (Drapetis) kunmingana Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig. 4) Mead blackish brown. Antennae yellow, but third segment and arista brownish yellow. Thorax yellow with two large black markings. Scutellum and postnotum blackish. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to D. (D.) trimaculata sp. nov.
Holotype (?), paratype 1(?), Yunnan. Kunming City, 2000 m, 1981-V -16, Yang Chikun.
6. Drapetis (Elaphro peza) jinghongcnsis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. Hend blackish brown. Antennae yelloy, but third segment dark yellow and
arista dark brownish yellow, Thorax yellow with two unall brownish markings. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to D, (E.) lriangulala Yang et Yang, but scutellum and postno?tum brown.
Holotype (?) , Yunnan: Jinghong Co., [545 rn, 1981-Ⅳ-9, Yang Chi-kun.
7. Drapetis (Elaphro pcza) xanthina Yang et Yang, sp. nov.
Head yellow. Antennae yellow, its third segment and arista broken. Thorax yellow. Seutellum and postnotum yellow with middle portions brown. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to D. (E.) ukhalo Smith and D. (E.) xanthocephala Bezzi. Hololype (?), Yunnan. Jinghong Co., 545 m, 1981-Ⅳ-13, Yang Chi-
8. Drapciis (Elaphro pcza) postnigra Yang ct Yang, sp. nov. (fig. 5)
Head blackish brown. Antennae yellow, arista brownish yellow. Thorax yellow with posterior portion brownish. Scutellum broutellum brownish, postnotum almostly brownish. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Holotype (?), Yunnan. Ruili Co., 750 m, 1981-Ⅳ-30, Yang Chikun.
9. Drapciis (Elaphropeza) ruiliensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.
Head blackish brown. Antennae Yellow, but third segment and arista dark yellow. Thorax yellow. Scutellum yellow with basal portion brownish, postnotum brownish. Legs yellow. Legs yellow. Wings clear.
Similar to D. (E.) ferruginea Brunctti. Holotype (?), Yunnan. Ruili Co., 750 m, 1981-Ⅳ-30, Yang Chikun.
10. Drapetis (Elaphropeza) lancangensis Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig. 7)
Head blackish brown. Antennae yellow, but third segment, dark yellow and arista brownish yellow with long pubescence. Thorax yellow with two brownish markings. Scutellum yellow with basal portion brownish, postnoum brownish. Legs yellow with four last tarsal segments of front legs dark brownish yellow