1,孟定地白蚁 Hypotermes mengdingensis Zhu et Huang,新种兵蚁(图Ⅰ:1—8) 体中型。头深黄褐色,前半部较浅;上颚赤褐色,上唇、触角黄色;前胸背板浅黄褐色,腹、足浅黄白色。头背面散生长毛,上唇自端至中部各排列6根长毛,中部另具2根对称长毛。
1. Hypotermes mengdingcnsis Zhu et Huang, sp. nov. (Fig. I: 1-8) The soldier of H ypotermes menqdingensist new species, comes closcto
that of 77. xenotermitis (Wasmann), but differs as follows. 1. Index of head of new species 0.832-0.817, the latter is 0.898-0.877; 2. Left mandible is larger than that of the latter species; 3. Pronolum of new species broadly rounded anteriorly. Collected from Mengding, Gcnma County, Yunnan. 12 August, 1982, by Zhu Shimo.
2. Hypotermes wandingensis Zhu et Huang, sp. nov. (Fig.Ⅱ5 : 9-16) The soldier of Hypotermes wandingensis, new species, comes close to
that of H. obscuriceps (Wasmann), but differs as follows. 1. Length of head without' mandibles shorter than that of the vs., but width of head broader than the vs.; 2. Left and right mandible with a small, sharply point at base;3. Postmentum broader than the vs.. 4. Pronotum broadly anteriorly. Collected from Wanding City, Yunnan. 11 October, 1982, by Zhu Shimo and Long Yongcheng.
3. Hypotermes meiziensis Huang et Zhu, sp. nov. (Fig. Ⅲ. 17-24) The soldier of H ypotermes meiziensis, new specie., comes very close to
that of 77. obscuriceps (Wasmann), but differs as follows. Head capsule and postmentum of new species larger and wider than that of 77. obscuriceps. Collected from Meizi village, Baoshan City, Yunnan. 18 October, 1982, by Zhu Shimo and Long Yongcheng.
4. H ypotermes bawanensis Zhu et Wang, sp. nov. (Fig.Ⅳ. 25-32) The soldier of Hypotermcs bawanensis, new species, comes close to that of H. winifredae Ahmad, 1953, but differs as follows. 1. Head capsule of new species elliptical-sized- 2. Anterior margin V-shaped distinctly. Collected from Bawan, Baoshan City, Yunnan. 18 October, 1982, by Zhu Shimo and Long Yongcheng.
5. Hypotermes wayaoensis Zhu et Wang, sp. nov. (Fig. V, 33-39) The soldier of Hypotermes wayaoensis, new species, comes close to that of H. makhamensis Ahamd, 1965, but differs as follows. Head capsule of new species larger than that of H. makhamensis; left mandible longer than the latter; left mandible with a small, sharply pointed tooth and right mandible with two small, sharply pointed teeth at base; the maximum width of postme-ntum of new species placed at base, and the latter species almost in middle. Collected from Wayao, Baoshan City, Yunnan. 20 October, 1982, by Zhu Shimo and Long Yongcheng.
Isoptera, Termitidae, Hypotermes, Yunnan