基于轫致辐射原理的微型X射线光源体积小、成本低,同时又因相对论电子束可循环使用,所以具有亮度较高、能谱较宽、方向性较好以及光源为准点光源等特点,正逐渐成为一种新型的X射线光源,受到国内外的高度重视.本文利用电子轨迹跟踪方法和Poisson Superfish程序对该类型光源的两个难点——储存环磁铁和扰动器的设计进行了研究,并得到了一些有意义的结果:确定了磁铁和扰动器的设计方法;所设计的磁铁能较好地满足设计要求;扰动器能够更有效地实现电子注入.
A novel X-ray source based on tiny target Bremsstrahlung and tabletop synchrotron was introduced in this paper. It is advantageous in the simple size and low price, perfect in high brilliance and fiat spectrum, and it can be used as quasi-point X-ray source. With the help of Poisson Superfish and electron trace program, this paper describes the design method and presents the essential design work for its storage ring and perturbator. The designed magnet satisfies the performance specification, and realizes an effective injection by use of the perturbator.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics