本文报道分布于昆明地区的黄臀鹎Pycnonotus xanthorrhous在禁食和四季夜间能量物质——脂肪、蛋白质和糖的消耗情况。结果表明,在人为禁食条件下黄臀鹎的存活时间仅19小时,死亡时躯脂降低79%,去脂飞翔肌干重降低46%,肝糖降低96%。在夜间黄臀鹎消耗大量的储存脂肪,并以冬季的消耗量最大。肝糖提供的能量极少。在繁殖期和换羽期,储存的飞翔肌蛋白质在夜间大量分解以提供鸟体的需要。
From March, 1987 to June, 1988 we worked on the fasting endurance and loss of energy materials at night of Pycnonotus xanthorrhous in Kunming, Yunan, China. P. xanthorrhous is a common and resident species in Yunan. Kunming is in the southwest of China (24°23'-25°36'N, 102° 14' ?103°03'E). The seasonal changes is small. The paper reports the fasting endurance of P. xanthorrhous was 19 hours. When they died, the reserve of fat declined 79%, the non-fat flight muscle declined 46%, and the sugar of liver declined 96%.At night P. xanthorrhous lost the great amount of fat reserve, especially exhausted the highest percent lipeds at the night of winter. The energy provivcd by sugar of liver was very little. During breeding and moulting period, the flight muscle lost the great amount of protein reserve at night to supply the needs of birds.
Pycnonotus xanthorrhous, Fasting, Night, Energy materials