1Pan- S. Korea Solution Committee against US base extension in Pyeongtaek, "Strategic Change on the Korean Peninsula and North East Asia: Transformation of U. S. Military Strategy After 9 - 11 ", http: //antigizi. or. kr/english/nobasept. htm/.
4美日安全磋商委员会文件:《日美同盟:为了未来的改革与调整》,US - Japan Security Consultative Committee, "US -Japan Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future",2005年10月29日
7US-Japan Security Consultative Committee, " US -Japan Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future", 2005. 10. 29.
10Jon D. Klaus, " U.S. Military Overseas Basing: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress", CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RS21975, November 17, 2004, Congressional Research Service - The Library of Congress, p. 2.
3DCI's Global Intelligence Challenges Briefing,"Global Intelligence Challenges Briefing 2005:Meeting a Long-Term Challenges with a Long-Term Strategy".http://intelligence.senate.gov/0502hrg/050216/goss.pdf.