
欧盟的独立防务:行动与趋向 被引量:4

The Independent Defense of the EU:Actions and Trends
摘要 近年来,欧盟加快了建设独立防务的步伐,通过设置军事指挥机构、提出安全战略、统一军备采购、整合军事工业等多方面努力,开始形成独立于北约以外的军事能力。欧盟追求独立防务的深层动机,源自对自身角色及全球责任的认识。欧盟推进军事一体化的目标不是为了与一个特定的国家或集团进行军事对抗,而是为了巩固自身的经济地位、实现欧洲的政治抱负和价值观提供军事力量的基础。欧盟将通过建立独立而完整的军事体系,获得对全球事务更大的影响力,成为真正意义上的世界另一个力量极。 The European Union has sped up its building of independent defense in recent years,and begun to develop its military capabilities independent from NATO by setting up military commanding institutions.In the meantime,it has been putting forward security strategies,unifying military psocurement and integrating military industries.The deep motivation of the EU pursuing independent defense is originated from EU's cognition of its role and global responsibility.The objective of the military integration is not to rival or bloc certain countries,but to provide military support to EU's economic position,and to realize Europe's political ambitions and values.By establishing an independent and integrated military system,the EU will have stronger influence over global affairs as,in real sense,another pole of power in the world.
作者 王湘穗
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期31-39,共9页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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