
A further note on overshoot estimation in pole placements

A further note on overshoot estimation in pole placements
摘要 Recently, it is proved in the literature that for a given controllable pair (A, B) with A ∈R^n×n, B ∈R^n×m, and any λ ≥ 1, a gain matrix K can be designed so that ‖e^(A+BK)t‖ ≤Mλ^Le^-λt, where M and L are constants independent of λ. Here, we show that M and L can be chosen much smaller than that proposed above. As a consequence, the estimation on overshoot of a transition matrix can be bounded more precisely. This can be regarded as a complement to the existing result. Recently, it is proved in the literature that for a given controllable pair (A, B) with A ∈R^n×n, B ∈R^n×m, and any λ ≥ 1, a gain matrix K can be designed so that ‖e^(A+BK)t‖ ≤Mλ^Le^-λt, where M and L are constants independent of λ. Here, we show that M and L can be chosen much smaller than that proposed above. As a consequence, the estimation on overshoot of a transition matrix can be bounded more precisely. This can be regarded as a complement to the existing result.
出处 《控制理论与应用(英文版)》 EI 2007年第1期57-59,共3页
基金 This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60604032, 10601050).
关键词 Linear system Transition matrix OVERSHOOT Linear system Transition matrix Overshoot
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