
大鼠穿支蒂皮瓣的实验研究 被引量:2

A perforator-based flap model and experimental study in rats
摘要 目的建立穿支血管蒂皮瓣的动物实验模型,探讨蒂部穿支血管对皮瓣血供的影响。方法选择30只雄雌不限SD大鼠,分成1个实验组和2个对照组,每组10只,实验组为穿支血管蒂皮瓣组,对照1组为皮下蒂皮瓣组,对照2组为随意皮肤蒂皮瓣组,实验组进行血管造影及组织学检查。结果大鼠腹部皮肤穿支血管起源于腹壁上动脉深支,于腹直肌鞘两侧穿出,共8~10支,穿支垂直间距0.4-1.0cm,以左上第2穿支外径粗大,一条肌皮穿支血管可供养大鼠腹部皮肤81.5%。结论穿支血管蒂皮瓣血供来源于穿支血管,切取穿支血管蒂皮瓣面积比随意皮肤蒂皮瓣面积大,并可提供多种皮瓣设计的选择。 Objective To develop a new experimental animal model of perforator - based flap and to investigate its blood supply with the pedicle of perforator. Methods Thirty Sprague - Dawly rats of both sexes were used. The rats were divided into one experimental and two control groups. Experimental group : A perforator- based flap; First control group: A subcutaneous pedicle flap; Second control group:A random -pattern pedicle abdominal skin flap. Angiography and histologic studies were performed in the experimental group. Results The perforator vessel of abdominal skin arose from the deep epigastric system. There are eight or ten perforators coming from the both sides of anterior rectus fascia. The average vertical distance between perforators ranged from 0. 4 to 1. 0cm. The left - sided second cranial perforator have significantly greater diamters than the others. A single perforator vessel can supply an estimated 81.5 percent of the entire abdominal skin. Conclusion The vascular supply of the perforator - based flaps came from the perforator - vessels. The perforator -based flaps can be used with a larger skin paddle and various design alteratives than can random -pattern flaps.
出处 《中华显微外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期35-37,I0006,共4页 Chinese Journal of Microsurgery
基金 海南省自然科学基金资助项目(20317)
关键词 穿支蒂 外科皮瓣 移植 动物模型 Perforator pedicle Surgical flap Transplantation Animal model
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