

Simulation for Measuring the Missile Attitude Angle Based on Image Processing
摘要 为了适应现代靶场的测量空间目标姿态角的需要,介绍了一种在实验室进行了空中目标姿态角的测量的仿真实验,从实验需要出发,开发了一种精度较高的定标方案,并给出了交会测量、目标姿态角测量的数学模型,对该姿态测量的仿真系统的测量精度进行了计算与分析,给出了实验图像预处理过程,最终实验验证了该数学模型与该测量方案是可以用来进行空间目标姿态角的测量,姿态角的测量精度首先受目标特征点的坐标测量精度的影响,其次和测量精度关系比较密切的是2个测量面的交会角,该角越接近垂直测量精度越高。 A method of measuring the 3-D pose of the remote revolving target such as rocket or missile by using the intersected measuring system with a proper algorithm is described. An emulate experiment that measuring the 3-D pose of the target is carried out in lab. A new calibration method on dual-CCD intersection measurement is described which is more accurate. This paper creates a math model of measuring the 3- D pose of the target; The measuring precision of this method is analyzed by using the relative error. The simulation results show that this method can be used in the practical project, The measuring precision is higher than 0. 5° if the measuring stations are arranged correctly in lab.
出处 《电子器件》 EI CAS 2006年第4期1200-1203,共4页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
关键词 光学测量 CCD 目标姿态角 光电经纬仪 optical measurement CCD pose angle of the target theodolite
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