AIM: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of insulin and different kinds of free fatty acid (FFA) on glucose transport in cultured 3T3 - L1 preadipocytes or adipocytes. METHODS: Following the exposure of preadipocytes to insulin at different concentrations and treated times, glucose transport was assessed as [ ^3 H ] 2 -deoxy glucose uptake. Furthermore, 3T3 -L1 preadipocytes and adipocytes with either the monounsaturated FFA oleate (C18:1) or the saturated FFA palmitate (C16:0) were used and glucose transport was examined as above. RESULTS: Insulin increased specific membrane glucose transport in 3T3 - L1 preadipocytes at the time of 15 min to 1 h stimulation. However, after 6 h exposure to insulin, downregulation of glucose transport was observed. Dose response studies demonstrated that 2 - DG transport increased by 336% at 50 nmol/L of insulin ( P 〈 0. 01 ), reaching a maximal effect at 100 nmol/L insulin (492%, insulin vs control, P 〈0. 01 ). In 3T3- L1 preadipocytes, insulin resistance was accomplished to 0. 125 mmol/L oleate or palmitate (P 〈0.05, respectively), and the inhibition was in a dose -dependent manner. However, in adipocytes, the inhibition was noted at 0.5 mmol/L oleate or 1.0 mmol/L palmitate. CONCLUSION: Insulin increases glucose transport in 3T3 - LI preadipocytes in a time and concentration - dependent manner. After exposure to 100 nmol/L insulin for 1 h, the 2 - DG uptake reaches a maximal effect. In 3T3 - LI preadipocytes or adipocytes, both 1 mmol/L oleate and palmitate induce insulin resistance.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology