探讨基于医疗信息系统集成(IHE)技术框架实现医院工作流集成。北美放射学会(Radiology Society of North America,RSNA)和医疗卫生信息与管理系统学会(Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society,HI MSS)联合发起的IHE项目从工作流集成的角度出发,基于医疗标准制定了在各种医疗信息源间交换数据的技术框架。我们利用这个技术框架,从放射科的实际工作出发,尝试在复杂而异构的医院环境中实现信息集成与工作流集成。基于IHE技术框架,通过协调各种医疗设备和信息系统,实现了放射科的工作流集成。在复杂而异构的医院环境中,基于I HE技术框架能实现工作流集成,同时对IHE技术框架在我国的应用前景进行了展望。
To study the Workflow Integration based on Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) technical framework in the hospital. IHE is a joint initiative of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). It has established a standard - based technical framework to foster communications between diverse medical systems in a healthcare environment from the viewpoint of workflow integration. Complying with the technical framework, we attempted to implement the information integration and workflow integration in the heterogeneous healthcare environment based on the fact of the Radiology department. We implemented the workflow integration of the radiology department based on IHE framework through coordinating among the medical devices and information systems. We proves that IHE technical framework can improve workflow integration in the heterogeneous healthcare environment. The application trend of IHE technical framework in China has also been prospected.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Integrating the healthcare enterprise,Healthcare information system
Workflow integration