Objective To investigate the culturing teclmique for eonjunetival epithelial cells and to evaluate the facibility of serum-frce culture system on culturing conjunctival epithelial explants. Methods Rabbit conjunctival epithelial tissues were explanted in serum-free system. The morphology, gowth, proliferation and differentiation of outgrow cells were compared with those in serum-containing medium. Results The epithelial cells cultured in serum-free medium not only demonstrated a significant increase in proliferative,colony-form/ng efficiency and cell generations,but also have the normal structural and functional properties than those in serumcontaining medium. Conclusion This is a sermn-free culture system for developing a conjunctival epithelial explants with improved purify and proliferative, which are important for the basic research and tissue engineer of conjunctival epithelial ceils.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis