为了探明转反义TrxS基因小麦株系农艺性状的变异程度,对转基因株系00T89与非转基因对照进行了比较分析,结果表明,00T89转基因株系与对照同步发育,生育期相近。单株籽粒数和单株产量平均比对照提高了35.3%和39.5%;在单株成穗数和千粒重方面与对照无明显差异,平均株高增加了3.8 cm。在穗部性状上表现为穗长增加13.37%,但总小穗数变化不大,单穗结实小穗数平均增加1.7个;单穗粒数和粒重分别比对照增加24.2%和26.77%。
To study the variation of plant characters of transgenic anti-trxs gene wheat 00T89 lines compared with its non-transgenic control, the experiments for plant characters were carried out. The results showed that the growth stages, ear number per plant and 1000-kernel weight of transgenic line were similar to those of the non-transgenic one, while the seed number and yield per plant were 35.3% and 39.5% higher than those of the control; The average plant height, ear length and fertile spike number of 00T89 increased by 3.8cm, 13.37% and 1.7, respectively; The seed number and weight per ear increased by 24.2% and 26.77%, respectively.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences