

Isolations and Identifications of Daintain/AIF-1 and the Monoclonal Antibodies against Daintain/AIF-1
摘要 由猪小肠中纯化鉴定Daintain/AIF-1,并以其为免疫原免疫BALB/c小鼠,用杂交瘤技术制备得到4株稳定分泌抗体的单克隆细胞株。对单抗效价、亚类、亲和常数进行分析,4株单抗都属于IgG1(κ)。又经West-ern blot证实,所制备的抗体能特异性与Daintain/AIF-1结合。 Daintain/AIF-1 is a recently discovered cytokine-like polypeptide. This bioactive peptide is involved in transplant rejection, autoimmune diseases and tumor generation and progress etc. Daintain/AIF-1 from porcine intestine was isolated and identified and used as antigen to manufacture monoclonal antibodies (Mabs). Using hybridization technique, four cell clones producing Mabs against Daintain/AIF-1 were obtained. Isotypes, titer,affinity of the Mabs were also analysed. Those Mabs belong to G1 subclass with k light chain. The specificity of the Mabs was further verified by Western blot. In first time the monoclonal antibodies against Daintain/AIF-1 was prepared and identified, which will be useful tools for further investigation of transplant rejection,autoimmune diseases and cancer diagnosis.
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期1-5,共5页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2002AA214061) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370647)资助
关键词 Daintain/AIF-1 单克隆抗体 ELISA Daintain/AIF-1 monoclOnal antibody ELISA
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