本文根据现代化校园和无线网络的发展需求,设计了基于J2ME的Java手机软件——学生成绩查询系统。系统运用了强大的数据库管理系统SQL Server 2000,后台学生成绩管理系统由服务器端Servlet完成网络连接和数据的网络传输。该系统的开发有利于学校及家长对学生在校情况进行跟踪了解。
Along with the development of modern campus and wireless network, this paper introduced a Java software of cellular phone based on J2ME-the searching system of student's result .It is a searching system which is according to cellular phone interface on the modern wireless network. It uses SQL Server2000,the backstage student result management system,the achievement of network server servlet and data transmission network.The development of this system help parents understand the school's track of students.
Science Mosaic