
三维粘弹介质地震波场有限差分并行模拟 被引量:25

Parallel Simulation of Finite Difference for Seismic Wavefield Modeling in 3-D Viscoelastic Media
摘要 有限差分法在三维粘弹性复杂介质正演模拟地震波的传播中对计算机内存和计算速度要求比较高,单个PC机或工作站只能计算较少网格内短时间的波场。本文介绍一种基于MPI的并行有限差分法,可在PCCluster上模拟较大规模三维粘弹性复杂介质中地震波传播时的波场;可预测地震波在此类条件下传播时的运动学和动力学性质。对于更好地理解波动传播现象,解释实际地震资料及反问题的解决等均具有重要的理论与实际意义。 When finite difference (FD) method is used in modeling the propagation of seismic wave in 3-D viscoelastic complex media, it consumes vast quantities of computational resources. So on single PC or workstation, 3-D calculations are still limited to small grid sizes and short seismic wave traveltimes. In this paper, the parallel FD algorithm which based on a message passing interface(MPI) is introduced to solve above problem properly. Using PCCluster we can calculate the wavefield of the large 3-D viscoelastic complex models, furthermore predict and understand the kinematic and dynamic properties of seismic waves propagating through the models of the crust. It helps us in every stage of a seismic investigation.
出处 《西北地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期30-34,共5页 Northwestern Seismological Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40604013)
关键词 三维粘弹性介质 地震波场模拟 并行计算 MPI 有限差分 3-D viscoelastic media Seismic wavefieid simulation Parallel computing MPI Finite difference
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