
长白山林区防火期主要可燃物类型细根载量和潜在能量分析 被引量:2

Load and Latent Energy of Fine Roots for Principal Fuel Types in Changbai Mountain Forest Region during Forest Fire Season
摘要 对防火期长白山林区主要可燃物类型细根载量和潜在能量进行了研究。结果表明:秋季防火期内,距地表10cm的细根载量以岳桦林最大,其次是云冷杉林及包含云冷杉的混交林,白桦林、落叶松林和阔叶红松林细根载量较低;经过一个冬天,细根载量都在下降。云冷杉林及包含云冷杉的混交林秋季防火期发生地下火的可能性比较大,落叶松林发生地下火的可能性相对较小;春季防火期距地表10cm细根潜在能量下降。 An experiment was conducted to study the load and latent energy of fine roots for the principal fuel types in Changbai Mountain forest region during forest fire season. Results show that during forest fire season in autumn, the load of fine roots for Betula ermanii forest from the surface soil to a depth of 10 cm is the highest, followed by spruce-fir forest and mixed forest with spruce and fir, birch forest, and then by Larix olgensis forest and broad-leaved Pinus koriensis forest. The load of fine roots shows a decreasing trend through the winter. There is a much higher possibility of ground fire in spruce-fir forest and mixed forest with spruce and fir than in Larix olgensis forest during forest fire season in autumn. The latent energy of fine roots from the surface soil to a depth of 10 em exhibites a decreasing tendency during forest fire season in spring.
机构地区 北华大学
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期39-40,共2页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 吉林省科技发展计划资助项目(20040579) 北华大学校管项目(2006020) 火灾科学国家重点实验室开放基金(HZ2006-KF02) 吉林市科技发展计划项目(2006杰出青年)
关键词 长白山林区 可燃物类型 细根 Changbai Mountain forest regions Fuel types Fine roots
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