
阿留申病毒大连株非结构蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析 被引量:5

Cloning and Sequencing of Non-structural Genes of Aleutian Mink Disease Virus of Dalian Strains
摘要 根据Genbank上发表的水貂阿留申病毒基因序列数据,设计了3对引物,采用PCR的方法分别对ADV—DL1、ADV—DL2株非结构蛋白基因进行扩增,将各片断克隆至pMD18-T载体,经PCR鉴定后进行了序列测定和分析。结果显示,ADV—DL1、ADV—DL2与GenBank上公布的ADV毒株相比,核苷酸序列同源率NS1为85.9%-90.0%.Ns2为85.1%-92.7%.NS3为83.0%~95.1%。ADV—DL1与ADV—DL2同源率NS1为93.7%,NS2为95.6%,NS3为98.5%。氨基酸同源率NS1为82.8%-85.8%,NS2为80.7%~92.1%,Ns3为72.9%~95.4%。ADV—DL1与ADV—DL2同源率NS1为90.3%,NS2为92.1%,NS3为95.4%。 Based on the sequences of the non-structural (NS) gene of Aleutian mink disease virus (ADV) published in Genbank, three pairs of primer were designed to amplify the NS genes of ADV-DL1 and ADV-DL2 strains. The NS gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and subsequently cloned into pMD18-Tvector. Results of sequencing analysis showed that the nucleotide homologies between ADV-DL1, ADV-DL2 and published sequences were 85.9% - 90.0% for NS1, 85.1% -92.7% for NS2, 83.0% -95.1% for NS3, and those between ADV-DL1 and ADV-DL2 were 93.7%, 95.6% and 98.5% for NS1, NS2 and NS3, respectively. The homological rates of amino acid was 82.8% -85.8% for NS1, 80.7% - 92. 1% for NS2, and 72.9% - 95.4% for NS3, and those of ADV-DL1 and ADV-DL2 was 90.3 %, 92.1% and 95.4% for NS1, NS2 and NS3, respectively.
机构地区 东北林业大学
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期73-75,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 黑龙江省科技攻关项目(GB02B506)
关键词 阿留申病毒 非结构蛋白 克隆 序列分析 Aleutian mink disease viruses Non-structural genes Cloning Sequence analyses
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