神经生长因子(Nerve Gowth Factor,NGF)是一种影响神经细胞发育、存活的多能神经营养因子,在神经系统发育、损伤修复及正常功能的维持中起着十分重要的作用。研究表明,NGF对脑出血血肿灶周损失神经元具有保护和修复作用。本文就NGF的生物学特点,NGF对脑出血的作用及作用机制作一简要综述。
The NGF is a nutrition factor to affect the growth and survive that play an important role in the growth, repair and maintenance of normal function. The study shown NGF had protection and prothetic capability in for nerve around cerebral hemorrhage. This paper had summarized the action and mechanism of NGF for cerebral hemorrhage.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal