选择西南桦、山桂花、高阿丁枫、马占相思等4种云南热区乡土阔叶树种,在云南思茅市的江城、翠云、孟连等试验点上,开展了不同整地方式、不同种植带水平宽度、造林地施用不同肥种、混交林营造和造林地间作等人工林营建技术的试验研究。试验结果表明,采用火烧清理+带垦的整地方式是营造西南桦人工林一项不可忽视的技术措施,可促进西南桦人工林早期的生长;西南桦造林种植带宽度的最佳处理为8 m(带间距为2m,下同),其次为4 m。造林地施用不同的肥料种类,对山桂花幼林的径、高、材积生长影响非常显著,其排序为:N>NP>NPK>NK>P>K>KP>CK(不施肥);由于试验时间短,西南桦与马占相思、西南桦与高阿丁枫、马占相思与山桂花、高阿丁枫与马占相思4种混交林的营造效果尚未充分显现,需作持续的观测研究;而林地间作经营可以显著提高山桂花幼林的生长量。
A series of experiments on Betula alnoides, Paramichelia baillonii, Altingia excelsa and Acacia mangium were conducted in Jiangcheng, Cuiyun and Menglian of Yunnan to study the different technologies such as different land preparation, different width of planting belt, different fertilization, mixed planting and intercropping. The results of experiments showed that combined treatment of controlling burning and band reclamation was a very important measure in establishment of Betula alnoides plantation, the early growth could be promoted. The optimum width of planting belt of Betula alnoides was 8 m, and 2 m of distance between belts, next came the belt width of 4 m. Different fertilization had significant effects on growth of' Paramichelia baillonii sapling, the order was N 〉 NP 〉 NPK 〉 NK 〉 P 〉 K 〉 KP 〉 CK (control). Owning to the sho~ time of experiment, the effects of mixed plant- ing of Betula alnoides and Acacia mangium, Betula alnoides and Altingia excelsa, Acacia mangium and Paramichella baillonii, Altingia excelsa and Acacia mangium were not significant. And the experimental results indicated that intercmpping could promote the growth of Paramichelia baillonii sapling.
Journal of West China Forestry Science
tropical and subtropical areas of Yunnan province
indigenous broadleaved species
plantation establishment technology