

Studies on the Monitoring & Forecasting Model of Agrotis ypsilon.
摘要 用小地老虎系统测报资料和有关气象材料做逐步回归统计分析,得到发生程度(y1)的预报模型为y1=0.0134x1-0.0201x2+2.3477±0.4361,历年符合率为100%;田间二龄幼虫盛发日(y2)的预报模型为y2=0.3425x1+0.3260x2+28.6367±2.5512,历年符合率在81.82%以上。 The incidence model of Agrotis ypsilon was developed according to correlation analysis between monitoring data and meteorological data:y1=0.0134 x1-0.0201x2+2.3477t±0.4361,correlation rate with previous records is 100%.The incidence model for forecasting the population peak of 2hd instar larvae is y2=0.034 25x1+0.326 0x2+28.6356 7±2.551 2,correlation rate with previous records is above 81.82%.
出处 《植保技术与推广》 1996年第6期7-8,共2页 Plant Protection Technology and Extension
关键词 小地老虎 发生程度 预测模型 Agrotis ypsilon incidency forecasting model
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